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Physics Subject Guide

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Reference Books

Ref Q121 .M3 2007 vol. 1-20
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science And Technology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Entries with bibliographies on all aspects of science, technology and biology.

Ref QD65 .H3 2009/10
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. New York: CRC Press, 2009-10.
Often referred to as the "bible" of chemists, this handbook has it all. Packed with all sorts of tables, values, etc. it is a gold mine of data. Remember, some information is not carried over into the next editions; hence, if you do not find what you need, try another edition.

Ref QC 5.M15 1996
Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics. 4 vol.
Over 700 articles on topics in physics and its subdisciplines.

Ref QB 501 .E53 1999
Encyclopedia of the Solar System.

Ref QC 5 .R596 2004 
Encyclopedia of Physics.

Ref QC 94 .C295 2003
Encyclopaedia of Scientific Units, Weights and Measures.

Ref QC 176 .A3F5913 2004
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Condensed Matter Physics. 2 vol.

Ref QC 221.5 .E53 1997
Encyclopedia of Acoustics. 4 vol.

Ref QC 762 .M627 2006
Modern Magnetic Resonance. 3 vol.