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Religion 232: Multiculturalism / Beloved Community

Beloved Community / Multiculturalism Web Sites

Here are links to the various organizations that are a part of your assignment:

Researching an Organization

Here are some tips for researching organizations:

  • Primary Source: Start with the organization's web page and learn how the organization presents itself.  Sometimes you have to scroll to the very bottom of the main web page to find links that will take you to more in-depth information. 
    • Look for testimonials by community members who have benefited from the work of the organization. 
    • Are there quotes from people who work for the organization? 
    • Are there any reports linked on their web page.  Some organizations publish annual reports.
    • Does the web page have a news and media page where you can find statements or reproductions of news items?
  • Secondary sources: Books, scholarly articles, newspaper articles, wikipedia
    • For some of the organizations there may not be any scholarly articles
    • Newspaper articles may give you some idea about how the organization has been received in the community.  Check the New York Times and U.S. Newsstream, which contains the content of most major U.S. newspapers.
    • For older organizations such as the Episcopal Church there may be books that will give you a sense of history and context
    • Wikipedia - the best part of a Wikipedia article is the bibliography at the end.  Check there for sources that you may want to track down.