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Art 276: Transatlantic Visual Culture

Art Available Through the Library

Art Online

Libraries across the globe are digitizing their public domain materials and making them available online.  These include:

  • Europeana -- public domain materials, including visual art, from libraries in the European Union
  • DPLA -- public domain materials, including visual art, from libraries in the United States

Most major museums have also begun digitizing their materials.  Search their websites for more information. Here are a few examples, but there are many more museums worldwide that you could investigate! 

See InspiredPublic's list of public-domain/open access museum list for more!

Citing and/or Reproducing Artworks

Here are links to citation examples for visual arts. If you are viewing the artwork reproduced in a book or online, you will add the book or website information at the end of the citation.  The sample citations at the links include examples of this.

If you are reproducing artworks in your own works -- for example, in a slideshow as part of a class presentation -- please abide by the licensing instructions provided by the source of the image. Reputable image sites will include licensing instructions with the image download instructions.

For example, here are the licensing parameters for images downloaded from the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. It allows the image to be used for for non-commercial research and also for teaching and instruction, so incorporating it in a class presentation is permitted.

Screenshot of licensing information for images downloaded from the Victoria & Albert Museum. It includes provisions for non-commercial research and private study and also teaching and instruction.


If you have questions about licensing, please schedule a research appointment with Karen Olson, the Research & Instruction Librarian for Music and Fine Arts.