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- Music 345a: Somali Music and Dance
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Music 345a: Somali Music and Dance
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Research and Instruction Librarian for Music & Fine Arts
Databases for Scholarly Sources
Music Databases
- Music Index This link opens in a new windowMagazine and journal articles, book reviews, performance reviews, news items, obituaries, and other materials on classical and popular music, musicians, and the music industry. Covers materials published 1970-present. Also available in print.
- Music Periodicals Database This link opens in a new windowFull-text articles from scholarly and popular journals and magazines on music. Covers materials published 1874-present.
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature This link opens in a new windowRILM Abstracts of Music Literature, a bibliography of music articles, collections, and books, offers researchers and music scholars thousands of records in music research. Records are added and updated on a monthly basis.
Dance & Performance Databases
- Performing Arts Periodicals Database This link opens in a new windowFull-text articles from scholarly and popular journals and magazines on the performing arts. Covers materials published 1864-present.
- International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance This link opens in a new windowInitiated by the American Society for Theatre Research, and since 1984, the Theatre Research Data Center (TRDC) at Brooklyn College, this is a prime research tool for students of theatre and the performing arts.
Black Studies Databases
- African Journals Online (Open Access) This link opens in a new windowPeer-reviewed scholarly journal articles published in Africa, covering disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, with particular attention to medicine and agriculture.
Interdisciplinary Databases
- Academic Search Premier This link opens in a new windowArticles on virtually every topic, drawn from scholarly journals, professional journals, trade magazines, news publications, and lifestyle magazines. Provides full-text access to over half of its 8000+ publications. Covers materials published 1975-present.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowFull-text scholarly journals articles in many disciplines. Dates of coverage vary by title, typically from the journal's first issue (sometimes in the eighteenth century or earlier) through about five years ago.
Newspaper Databases
- LexisNexis Academic This link opens in a new windowBilled as a business database, but also good for recent news from major papers.
- New York Times Online This link opens in a new windowAcademic site license access to New York Times Online.
Note: You will need to register the first time you access this site. If you have previously registered your email address on The New York Times site, you will click the "Already have an account?" "Log in here" link (below the "Create Account" button). - Proquest Recent Newspapers: Star Tribune This link opens in a new windowThe full-page images of this digitized newspaper provide researchers and scholars with cover-to-cover access to recent Star Tribune content. Includes articles on Minnesota's Somali community.
- Last Updated: Aug 22, 2024 11:54 AM
- URL: https://libraryguides.stolaf.edu/music345aX
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