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FYS 120: The Room Where It Happens: Music

Research and Instruction Librarian for Music & Fine Arts

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Karen Olson
Christiansen Hall of Music 147 (Music Library)
& Rolvaag Library 306

Welcome to Halvorson Music Library

Halvorson Music Library houses the music-based materials in the St. Olaf library system. These include 25,000 scores, 17,000 AV recordings (both video and audio), 18,000 books about music, music periodicals, and reference resources. Computers and listening/viewing stations are available for use, and a group study room contains video, audio, and computer capabilities. We also subscribe to almost ten million tracks of streamed audio!

Watch the video below for a quick introduction to Halvorson and the people who work here!

Reading Call Numbers

Once you've used Catalyst to find a book or score you want, you need to read the call number to find it on our shelves. This video explains how the call numbers work and how to match them to an item.


Finding Scores in Catalyst

As a musician, you'll probably want to look at musical scores! It can be tricky to get Catalyst to show you scores instead of books. This video demonstrates how to use filters to tell Catalyst what formats you want.


Streaming AV Platforms

St. Olaf College Libraries subscribes to a number of AV streaming platforms. This video demonstrates how to find our streaming AV source and offers tips for using them.