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Kierkegaard Scholars Library Guide

Navigating Kierkegaard and Rolvaag

Kierkegaard Collections

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Rolvaag Library

Here is a chart showing how the floors are laid out in Rolvaag Library.

Floor Call Number Range & Subjects

5th: Super-Quiet Study Floor   (Map)

Group Study Rooms
Individual Study Rooms
Large Study Tables in open area
3 Computers & a printer

Call Numbers beginning with A-HG

Philosophy; Religion; Psychology; History including African, Asian,
European, North and South American; Ancient History; Native American History; Geography; Sports; Anthropology; Economics

4th: Quiet Study Floor  (Map)

DiSCO Classroom
Maker Space
Color Printer
Game Room
IT Offices
Conference Rooms
Group Study Rooms
Gender Neutral Bathroom

Call Numbers beginning with HJ-NX
(see Music Library for call numbers beginning with M)

Finance/Accounting; Sociology; Women & Gender Studies;
Race; Immigration; Political Science; Government; International
Relations; Law; Education; Art & Architecture

3.5: Quiet Study Floor  (Map)

Group Study Rooms
Study Carrels

All Call Numbers
Oversized Books: All Subjects

Ž3rd: Main Floor  (Map)

Main Entrance
Circulation Desk & Resource Sharing
IT Helpdesk
Writing & Research Desk
Classroom (355)
Reference Room
Open Study Area
Study Rooms
Media Room

Librarian & CILA Office

Current Fiction; Current Non-Fiction; Wellness Collection;
DVD Collection (Feature films & Documentaries);
Video Game Collection; Children's Books;
Current Periodicals (Magazines & Newspapers);
Faculty Publications; Genealogy Collection

2nd: Quiet Study Floor   (Map)

Group Study Rooms
Study Carrels

Call Numbers starting with P-Z

Language & Literature: Greek & Latin; French;
Spanish; German; Norwegian; Russian;
Japanese; Chinese; English, 
Mathematics; Astronomy; Physics; Chemistry;
Biology: Zoology; Physiology; Medicine;
Nursing; Public Health; Technology;
Engineering; Home Economics; Cooking; 
Arts & Crafts; Photography; Library Science

Œ1st: Super-Quiet Study Floor  (Map)

Group Study Rooms
Study Lounges
Scholarly Periodicals
Government Documents
Severe Weather Shelter

Periodicals Collection