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FYS 120: Social Media and Democracy

Research and Instruction Librarian for Music & Fine Arts

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Karen Olson
Christiansen Hall of Music 147 (Music Library)
& Rolvaag Library 306

Researching Social Media

Social Media and Democracy: these are huge topics that don't fit neatly into one subject speciality! As you research your topics, you will probably find that some research databases are better suited to your particular interests than others.

Here are some places you might consider beginning your research.

Interdisciplinary Databases

These two databases cover journals and magazines on a wide variety of topics. If you're not even sure what might be available on your topic, start here.  You might find a good resource, and you'll also begin seeing what sorts of terms are used to describe your topic. You can add those terms to your bank of keywords for searching.

Social or Psychological Aspects of Social Media

If you're interested in media as a social force, consider searching the Social Science databases.  If you're interested in the psychological aspects of using social media, try the Psychology databases.

Political Aspects

If you're interested in the democracy/political side of social media use, try the Poli Sci databases.

Social Media AND ____

Your research prompt asks you to consider social media and _____.

Think about how you plan to fill in the blank. Then think about what academic discipline best fits that topic: history? music? biology? Chances are, we have access to a research databases dedicated to that academic subject. Go to our complete database list and use the SUBJECT dropdown menu to find databases best suited for that area.