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Music 141: Introduction to Musicology

Course Guide for Music 141

Music Databases

The music-specific databases are mostly good for secondary sources -- but some of them have articles dating back to the 19th century that could be used as primary sources.

Tip: RILM often includes separate records for each essay in a book of essays.  If you click the Find it! button, though, Catalyst will sometimes say we don't have the book when we do, because it is searching for the essay's title, not the book title. If Catalyst says we don't have an article, check if the RILM record has a line for "Collected Work."  That's the book title -- search in Catalyst for that.

Interdisciplinary Databases

These databases cover a wide range of subjects and topics, so they are good to use if you are just starting out or if you are looking for interdisciplinary material to provide broad context.