Japanese 320: The World of Spirited Away
Instructional Technologist for Geospatial and Data Services
What is Mind-Mapping?
Mind-mapping is method of brainstorming ideas and thoughts in order to create a structured plan. This can be for goal planning, research purposes, or even just planning tasks and thoughts for day-to-day life.
These can be created with formal diagram programs like Google Diagrams (draw.io) - or freestyle drawing with color, pictures, and other visual mediums.
It is not required to have a specific topic in mind - start with a broad idea, and use mind-mapping as a way to narrow it down into defined parts. If using it for research purposes, it can be really helpful towards crafting a thesis statement.
Mind-Mapping Session #1: Visualizing your Goals
Mind-Mapping Session #2: Spirited Away Research Topic
Extra Resources
- Google Diagrams (draw.io)Google Diagrams is available as an app through Google Drive
- Last Updated: Mar 18, 2024 2:49 PM
- URL: https://libraryguides.stolaf.edu/japan320
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