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Religion 124: A Green Bible?

How to search for biblical material and ecology

Searching Catalyst by SUBJECT

Searching Catalyst by SUBJECT is the smartest way to search the book catalog.  The best way to do this is to search Catalyst using the Advanced Search feature (see screen shots in the box below).  Subjects are systematically applied to all records in the book catalog using a controlled library vocabulary.  Once you discover Subjects that describe your research topic well, you simply click on them and Catalyst will do a search using that Subject term.  I've listed below Subject terms that should be of help.

After performing the search, look to the left of your search results and click on "Online Resources".  This will guarantee that you are only looking at e-books that you can access from off campus.  When you locate a book that you are interested in, open the record and scroll down to the link that you can click on to access the book.  (We will do this in our library session so that you can see how this is done).


Human ecology -- Biblical Teaching
Human ecology -- Religious aspects -- Christianity
Environmentalism -- Biblical Teaching
Environmental protection -- Religious aspects -- Christianity
Environmental ethics
Nature -- Religious Aspects -- Christianity
Biblical stewardship -- Christianity

If you want to search for biblical materials more broadly, use the following Subjects:

Bible Genesis
Bible Matthew

If the biblical book you are searching for includes a number, use the following format:

Bible Thessalonians, 1st
Bible Thessalonians, 2nd

Using Advanced Search in Catalyst