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Writing 120C&F: Living Well in Climate Change

LibKey Nomad

Research & Instruction Librarian for Instructional Design & First Year Experience

Profile Photo
Rebecca Hranj
Rølvaag Memorial Library 467

What is Resource Sharing?

Resource sharing is what we call borrowing materials from other libraries. At your public or high school library you may have seen it referred to as "Interlibrary Loan." If an item is not available through the St. Olaf or Carleton Libraries you can fill out our Resource Sharing form and we will try to get it for you. 

Items like journal articles can be available within a few days. Books or audiovisual materials may take several weeks to arrive and be ready for checkout. You'll get an email from the library to let you know when an item is ready for you. 

If an item isn't available through resource sharing consider making an appointment with a librarian to find a similar resource. 

How do I request an item?

Option 1: The "Find It!" button

If an article isn't available in a database you will often see the "Find It!" button where the full-text links would normally be. Click the button to search all of our resources. Often the article is available through a different database. 

If the article is unavailable through another database you'll see a gold bar that says, "Check for Physical Copies or Request a Copy." 

Scroll down to the "Get it from Other Libraries" section and sign in using your St. Olaf credentials. This will either take you to a pre-filled form or show you a button that says, "Get it." Follow the directions on the screen and click "send" or "request." 

Option 2: Search Catalyst 

If there's no "Find It!" button you can search catalyst for the article title.

Use quotation marks and search for just the main title (i.e., everything before the colon, if there is one). This will bring up either the article's listing in another database or the option to request. Sign in and follow the steps to request the article.