Writing 120C&F: Living Well in Climate Change
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Instructional Technologist for Geospatial and Data Services
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Research & Instruction Librarian for Instructional Design & First Year Experience
I have StoryMap questions!
Do you need any help or experiencing any tech issues with your StoryMap project? Contact Sara Lynnore (sara@stolaf.edu) to book an appointment!
- Sara Lynnore (sara@stolaf.edu)
- Office: RML 477 - IT Department
Accessing ArcGIS Online
You should receive an email notification to activate your St. Olaf ArcGIS account! Clicking the link will automatically activate your account and log you in - if you do not receive an email you may have an account already or the notification may have been sent to your spam email box. Contact Sara Lynnore (sara@stolaf.edu) to have the invite resent.
Make sure to log into https://stolaf.maps.arcgis.com/. There should be a St. Olaf College banner that appears on the homepage.
It is recommended to use Chrome - Safari will occasionally cause some errors.
Finished with your Project? Publish and Submit!
When finished with your Story Map, make sure to click on the Publish button on the top right in order to share the link. You can publish the project at anytime and keep working on it - it will sync changes.
Share it to the group "Writing 120 C & F, Fall 2024: Living Well in Climate Change"
For share settings, make sure to select "Public" and set as unlisted! If you are not comfortable with making the project public for any reason, share it as "Organization" only
Create a Map Tour
Create an animated, guided tour for readers by adding a few points to the map.
- ArcGIS Living Atlas - Climate Change DataWant to explore some climate change data? Check out this information on the ArcGIS Living Atlas! All of this information in free to use and can be easily added to a map.
Adding Citations to StoryMaps
Looking for examples? Explore some examples hosted on the ArcGIS StoryMaps gallery.
- Sara's Demo ExamplesDemo projects that Sara Lynnore has created for past classes - see something in one of these projects that you want to try, but not sure how to set it up? Let me know and I'm glad to help!
- Marie Tharp's Seafloor: A Story Map for Marie Tharp's 100th birthday - by Dr Vicki FerriniExplore the story of Marie Tharp - the woman who created the first illustrated map of the ocean floor.
- Tribal, Indigenous, and local stories - created by ESRIExplore stories about and by Tribal, Indigenous, and local communities.
- 25 Years of Biocultural Conservation - The Amazon Conservation Team’s 25th Anniversary"25 years ago, the Amazon Conservation Team (ACT) was founded with a mission to work with indigenous and local communities to protect the Amazon, believing that local inhabitants were the best protectors of their territories. Since the beginning, ACT’s decisions have been guided by close consultation with our partner communities, particularly the elders, who have defined our priorities in the fight for ancestral land rights and protection." - Except from the StoryMap
- Last Updated: Dec 2, 2024 2:54 PM
- URL: https://libraryguides.stolaf.edu/writ120cffall2024
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