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Spanish 251B: Gender & Race in Latin America

Catalyst Books Search


Catalyst Tips

Here are some tips for improving your skills when searching Catalyst:

  • Select the tab right above the search box to indicate whether you are looking for books or articles.  If you leave it set to Catalyst (the default), you will get all formats in your search results.
  • Use the filters to the left of your search results to narrow your results to items that are most appropriate to your needs.
  • When you find a record for a book that looks on target, open that record and look for the "Subjects".  This list can build your vocabulary as you do more searching in Catalyst.  You can also click on one of the Subjects to conduct another search.
  • If you are searching for an item where you already know the title or author of the item, use the Advanced Search.  Advanced Search will help you be more precise in your searching.

Subjects to search

Searching Catalyst by SUBJECT

Searching Catalyst by SUBJECT is the smartest way to search the book catalog.  The best way to do this is to search Catalyst using the Advanced Search feature.  Subjects are systematically applied to all records in the book catalog using a controlled library vocabulary.  Once you discover Subjects that describe your research topic well, you simply click on them and Catalyst will do a search using that Subject term.  I've listed below some Subject terms that should be of help.

After you perform a search look at the filters to the left of your results and see if there are ways to further hone your list.


Latin America -- Race relations
Race discrimination -- Latin America --History
Ethnic groups -- Latin America
Man-Woman relationships -- Latin America -- History
Women -- Political activity -- Latin America
Feminism -- Latin America
Gay rights -- Latin America

Browsing is also a good strategy.  Once you find a book, look at the other books on the same shelf.  Since books are organized by topic there may be some books nearby that you didn't notice in the catalog.  Here are some areas of the library you might want to take a look at.


F1201-F3799: Latin America (5th floor Rolvaag)
HQ1-HQ2044: The family.  Marriage.  Women. (4th floor Rolvaag)
PQ6001-PQ8929: Spanish literature (2nd floor Rolvaag)