English 286: Rhetoric of Video Games
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Research & Instruction Librarian for Social Sciences & Data Literacy
Final Fantasy 14: Paradox of the Balance
Log into ArcGIS Online for Story Maps
Sometimes using Safari will cause the ArcGIS Online login to show an error message - switching to Chrome will resolve this issue.
After accepting the email notification invite to ArcGIS Online - you can start on your Story Map! The computer should remember your log in information, but if for some reason you need to log back in here are the steps.
Start a Story Map
Maps are not required for Story Maps! This application can also be used to display media and interactive content.
Finished with your project? Submit the Story Map!
To submit your project, make sure to save it to the "English 286, Fall 2024: The Rhetoric of Video Games"
Mark your project as either "Organization" or "Public" - if you want to make your project public, but not have it show in search engines, check out the video for Marking StoryMaps as Unlisted
- Last Updated: Nov 19, 2024 10:01 AM
- URL: https://libraryguides.stolaf.edu/engl286
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