WRIT 120: Hip Hop Culture and the Poetics of Place
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Karen Olson
Research and Instruction Librarian for Music & Fine Arts
Music, Dance, & Art Databases
- ARTbibliographies Modern This link opens in a new windowScholarly journal articles, books, dissertations, and exhibition catalogs and reviews concerning modern and contemporary art (late nineteenth-century to current, in diverse media). Covers materials published 1974-present, with some coverage extending back to the late 1960s.
- Art Index This link opens in a new windowJournal articles, film reviews, bibliographies, museum bulletins, exhibition listings, competition and award notices, and other materials on the arts, archaeology, and design. Covers materials published 1984-present.
- International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance This link opens in a new windowCatalogs articles about theatre and dance, including hip-hop styles.
- Music Index This link opens in a new windowMagazine and journal articles on classical and popular music, musicians, and the music industry. Better coverage of music journalism (Downbeat, Rolling Stone, etc.) than Music Periodicals Database or RILM.
- Music Periodicals Database This link opens in a new windowFull-text articles from scholarly and popular journals and magazines on music.
- Performing Arts Periodicals Database This link opens in a new windowFull-text articles from scholarly and popular journals and magazines on the performing arts, including hip-hop genres.
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature This link opens in a new windowCatalogs articles and books about all genres of music. Most articles available in fulltext.
History and Social Science Databases
- African American Experience This link opens in a new windowFull-text primary and secondary sources illuminating African American history and culture. Includes scholarly books and articles, oral histories, slave narratives, images, speeches, a historical timeline, teaching resources, and more.
- African American Newspapers (1827-1998) This link opens in a new windowDigitized Black newspapers published in the United States between 1827 and 1998. Searchable by date range, era in US history, place of publication, and article type as well as by keyword.
- African American Periodicals, 1825-1995 This link opens in a new windowFull-text periodicals by and about African Americans. Searchable by date range, era in US history, place of publication, and article type as well as by keyword.
- America: History & Life This link opens in a new windowScholarly journal articles, magazine articles, books, and dissertations on US and Canadian history and culture from prehistory to the contemporary period. Provides some full text. Covers materials published 1964-present.
- Social Science Premium Collection This link opens in a new windowThe Social Science Premium Collection from ProQuest includes international literature in politics, public policy, sociology, social work, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, library science, and education.
Interdisciplinary Databases
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowFull-text scholarly journals articles in many disciplines. Dates of coverage vary by title, typically from the journal's first issue (sometimes in the eighteenth century or earlier) through about five years ago.
- Academic Search Premier This link opens in a new windowArticles on virtually every topic, drawn from scholarly journals, professional journals, trade magazines, news publications, and lifestyle magazines. Provides full-text access to over half of its 8000+ publications. Covers materials published 1975-present.
- Last Updated: Aug 22, 2024 11:54 AM
- URL: https://libraryguides.stolaf.edu/writ120_hiphop
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