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Supporting Diversity in the Music Experience

This guide provides resources that support diversity within the music experience at St. Olaf.

Recent Publications on Woman Musicians

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, and Overviews

We have many more dictionaries and encyclopedias than those listed below. To find more reference sources, search Catalyst for your topic keywords and the phrase (dictionary OR encyclopedia) in parentheses, like this:

"Latin America" AND music AND (dictionary OR encyclopedia)

Score Anthologies

Find Research and Repertoire -- Print Resources

Find Research and Repertoire -- Oxford Bibliographies

Oxford Bibliographies provides bibliographies on a wide range of research topics, including:

Find Repertoire -- Online Resources

Some of the sites Karen consults frequently from this spreadsheet include:



Useful Links

There are many more repertoire resources for music by woman composers; see the boxes on finding research and repertoire.