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Group Libraries

To share your Zotero library, you will need to create a group library following the instructions below.


Creating a Group

  1. Go to
  2. Log in (top right corner of the page)
  3. Go to the "Groups" tab
  4. Click "Create a New Group"
  5. Name your group.
  6. Under "Group Type," choose a visibility setting; "Private Membership" is usually the best option
  7. Click "Create Group"


Adding People to a Group

  1. Go to
  2. Log in (top right corner of the page)
  3. Go to the "Groups" tab
  4. Under the name of the group you want to add members to, click "Manage Members"
  5. At the bottom of the Manage Members page, click the "Send more invitations" link to invite collaborators


As long as you have synced your online account with your desktop Zotero program, group libraries will appear in the left column of your your desktop Zotero program under the heading "Group Libraries."


If you have items already saved to your main Zotero library when you create your group library, you can click and drag individual records (by clicking on the item) or entire collections (by clicking on the collection) to add those items/collections to your group library. New records can be saved directly to a specific collection (aka folder) within your group library just like they can be saved to a collection in your main Zotero library.