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Research & Instruction Librarian for Social Sciences & Data Literacy
K-12 Data and Statistics
- National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the U.S. and other nations. NCES is located within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences.
- NCES Fast Facts"Concise information on a range of educational issues, from early childhood to adult learning."
- NCES Publications & ProductsIncluding "The Condition of Education" reports and "Digest of Education Statistics"
- USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) County-level Data SetsCounty-level data for socioeconomic indicators like poverty rates, population change, unemployment rates, and education levels.
- Stanford Education Data Archive"SEDA includes a range of detailed data on educational conditions, contexts, and outcomes in school districts and counties across the United States. It includes measures of academic achievement and achievement gaps for school districts and counties, as well as district-level measures of racial and socioeconomic composition, racial and socioeconomic segregation patterns, and other features of the schooling system."
- Civil Rights Data CollectionThe CRDC includes data about: Enrollment Demographics; Preschool; Math & Science Courses; Advanced Placement; SAT & ACT; Discipline; School Expenditures; Teacher Experience
The Almanac of American Education 2017
"Compiled from official U.S. government sources, the book contains historical and current data, insightful analysis, and useful graphs that provide compelling insights into the state of education in America. It is organized into three sections: Part A—National Education Statistics; Part B—Region and State Education Statistics; and Part C—County Education Statistics"
- Minnesota Report Card"This tool is designed to provide parents, educators, schools, districts and citizens with easy access to district and school information, test results, demographic information and other critical data in a centralized location."
- U.S. Census Educational Data"The Census Bureau provides information on a variety of educational topics, from educational attainment and school enrollment to school costs and financing."
- Last Updated: Aug 28, 2024 11:42 AM
- URL: https://libraryguides.stolaf.edu/education
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