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Gaming, Streaming, and Content Creation

LibGuide/toolkit for users who want to create channels or content that is streaming video games

Spaces for Gaming

There is a gaming setup is located in video room in the DiSCO (RML 493 - The Set). This space can be accessed by walk-in or by booking an appointment through the DiSCO by request. In the space, we have:

  • Omen HP 40L Windows 11 Gaming Computer
  • Omen Light Studio to create your own custom light profile
  • USB wired controller for controller users
  • A chair for support and working on long projects
  • An ergonomic standing desk
  • Yeti Mic for recording audio
  • Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Suite software for editing content
  • Audacity, Ableton, and and other media creation software
  • Equipment cabinet - this cabinet is to hold any equipment for the space. This cabinet has it's own environmental control to protect equipment for moisture.

There is a gaming setup is located in video room in the DiSCO (RML 494 - Mix 1/Group Audio Space). This space can be accessed by walk-in or by booking an appointment through the DiSCO by request. In the space, we have:

  • Corsair Windows 10 Gaming Computer
  • Light bar for adjustable background lighting
  • A chair for support and working on long projects
  • Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Suite software for editing content
  • Rodecaster 
  • Space for large group podcasts

How do I get help?

For access to the spaces or questions about equipment and software, please contact the DiSCO via the IT Helpdesk.

Software: Can I install a game on the computer?

To request a new game for the computer, fill out a Software Request form and include that it's for the Game Room computer.

Couple of tips on installing software on the computer:

  • Please check the computer before installing the games to avoid duplicate installs! This may cause problems with the machine.
  • IT/DiSCO reserves the right to delete any game or data from the computer if:
    • Storage is full - any games and data that have not been accessed for more than 1 semester will be deleted
    • The game is impacting the functionality of the computer

Console Gaming

Video game consoles (PS4, Nintendo mini, etc.) will be made available for checkout through the Circulation Desk. Any games in disc format can also be checked out through the library.

Gaming for Mac

Typically, we have Steam installed on the Mac computer in the Mix-2 (small audio room) in the DiSCO. If you need anything else installed on the computer, contact the DiSCO.