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History 220: Modern Britain


Welcome to the research guide for History 220

This guide is designed to help you locate, evaluate, and cite sources for your research in History 220. View the tabs on the left to get started, and for further assistance schedule a research consultation with Ken Johnson using the link in the profile box to the left or emailing him at

Some research basics

Consulting resources in this order makes sense:

Reference Sources - this is where the most general information is located and is a good place to get background on a particular topic.  Be sure to check the bibliography or suggestions for further reading at the end of the articles you read -- they often lead you to other places where your topic is being discussed.

Books - more specific than reference material and usually focusing on one topic.

Articles - focus on a particular aspect of a topic.  This is also where the newest information on a topic can be found.

Some things to remember about research:

  • Research takes time!
  • Research is reading.
  • Research is not necessarily linear.
  • In the early stages of research, keep an open mind!
  • Research builds on other research.
  • Research looks different in different disciplines.

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