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Psychology 230: Research Methods
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Research & Instruction Librarian for Social Sciences & Data Literacy
A-Z List of St. Olaf Databases
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Suggested Databases
- PsycINFO This link opens in a new windowScholarly journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, and other materials in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. Covers materials published 1806-present.
- PsycTESTS This link opens in a new windowPsycTESTS is a research database that provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration.
- BrowZine This link opens in a new windowBrowZine is the preferred service that researchers around the world use to browse, read and follow the scholarly journals available from their library.
- Web of Science This link opens in a new window
A very powerful and varied database. Use the "citation" feature to check for new citing authors. Coverage from 1900 to present.
- PubMed This link opens in a new windowJournal articles, online books, and other materials in biomedical fields, including medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and preclinical sciences. Links to some full text. Covers materials published 1950-present, with some coverage extending earlier.
- ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts This link opens in a new windowScholarly and professional journal articles and other materials on health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations, and education. Covers materials published 1987-present.
- Annual Reviews This link opens in a new windowFull-text review articles in the biomedical, life, physical, and social sciences. Covers materials published 1932-present.
- Last Updated: Feb 19, 2025 11:29 AM
- URL: https://libraryguides.stolaf.edu/psych230
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