History 370: Reconstruction and Violence in America
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Scholars will sometimes gather important documents on a topic and publish them as a sourcebook.
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Documenting American Violence: A Sourcebook
Publication Date: 2006In the first anthology of its kind to appear in over thirty years, Documenting American Violence brings together excerpts from a wide range of sources about incidents of violence in the United States.Let Nobody Turn Us Around: Voices of Resistance, Reform, and Renewal: An African American Anthology
Publication Date: 2009This anthology of black writers traces the evolution of African-American perspectives throughout American history, from the early years of slavery to the end of the twentieth century.The Reconstruction Era: Primary Documents on Events from 1865 to 1877
Publication Date: 2003Using editorials, letters, essays, and news reports that appeared throughout the country's print media, this book reveals how editors, politicians, and other Americans used the press to influence opinion from 1865 to 1877.
Search Library Databases
- African American Experience This link opens in a new windowFull-text primary and secondary sources illuminating African American history and culture. Includes scholarly books and articles, oral histories, slave narratives, images, speeches, a historical timeline, teaching resources, and more.
- African American Newspapers (1827-1998) This link opens in a new windowDigitized Black newspapers published in the United States between 1827 and 1998. Searchable by date range, era in US history, place of publication, and article type as well as by keyword.
- American Race Relations: Global Perspectives, 1940-1996 This link opens in a new windowThousands of commentaries on African American, Hispanic American, Asian American and Native American history covering foreign reactions to America's struggles with racial justice from the Jim Crow era to the Civil Rights movements and beyond.
- Civil War: Antebellum Period to Reconstruction This link opens in a new windowA collection of primary source materials from the Civil War era, including newspapers, Congressional documents, and broadsides and other ephemera.
- History Vault: NAACP Papers-Branch Department, Branch Files and Youth Department Files This link opens in a new windowThe NAACP Papers collections contains internal memos, legal briefings, and direct action summaries from national, legal, and branch offices throughout the country. It charts the NAACP's work and delivers a first-hand view into crucial issues. With a timeline that runs from 1909 to 1972, the NAACP Papers document the realities of segregation in the early 20th century to the triumphs of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and beyond.
- Race Relations in America This link opens in a new windowPrimary source material on the Civil Rights Movement, segregation, discrimination and racial theory in America during three pivotal decades of the twentieth century.
- Umbra Search: African American History This link opens in a new windowUmbra Search makes African American History more broadly and freely accessible by bringing together hundreds of thousands of digitized materials from over 1,000 libraries, archives, and museums across the country.
Search the Web
- Fiery Cross Digital ArchiveThe Fiery Cross was a Klan newspaper published from 1922 - 1925. This collection was digitized by the Indiana University Bloomington Libraries.
- The Call of the NorthKlan newspaper published in Minnesota 1923-1924. Collection available at the Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, part of the Minnesota Historical Society.
- Second Ku Klux Klan and The Birth of a NationA Primary Source Set of digitized materials provided by the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA).
- MSU Digital Collection: Ku Klux KlanFrom the Michigan State University Libraries. Click on "pdf" to view digitized sources.
- Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)Search over 15,798,968 items from libraries, archives, and museums across the country.
- BlackPast.orgThis 6,000 page reference center is dedicated to providing information to the general public on African American history and the history of more than one billion people of African ancestry around the world.
- Civil Rights Digital LibraryCRDL is a partnership among librarians, technologists, archivists, educators, scholars, academic publishers, and public broadcasters. The initiative receives support through a National Leadership Grant for Libraries awarded to the University of Georgia by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
- NAACP photographs of anti-lynching campaign activities (Library of Congress)A Library of Congress digital collection.
- Monroe & Florence Work TodayA resource designed for 9-12 graders
- Last Updated: Jul 12, 2024 10:09 AM
- URL: https://libraryguides.stolaf.edu/reconandviolence
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