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Writing 120H: Living Well in the Time of Climate Change


This guide includes information and resources designed to aid you in locating research and managing sources for your Writing 120 research assignments. For further assistance with your research, you can:

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Discipline-Specific Databases

These databases are great places to search for scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. Keep in mind that these databases also contain popular sources, like magazine and newspaper articles, so make sure to evaluate each article you find to determine whether it's been peer reviewed. If you're not sure about a particular article, contact your librarian for help!

General / Interdisciplinary Databases: Find Popular and Scholarly Articles!

If you're exploring research topic ideas, these databases are a great place to start. Try looking at newspaper and magazine articles or encyclopedia entries to get a general sense of the information available on your potential topic and identify aspects of the topic that you'd like to pursue further in your paper. To find in-depth research articles on your topic, look at the "Find Articles: Disciplinary Databases" tab of this guide.

All Databases