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Norwegian Immigrants -- Finding Family Members in the US

Norwegian American Family Histories

Norwegian-American Family Histories Individual family histories may be found at the shelf locations CS71 (for families in the United States) or searched in the library's online catalog by using a subject or keyword search on the family name.
For example: Solem family.

Norwegian Newspapers in America

Norwegian-American Newspapers and Periodicals

To identify particular Norwegian-American newspapers by title, city or state, see the Norwegian-American Newspapers Database on the Norwegian-Amercican Historical Association website.  

Newspaper and Periodicals published before 1960 are shelved on Level 1, alphabetically by title; issues from 1960 are shelved on Levels 31/2 and 4. Newspapers are shelved on Level 1 (wrapped in blue archival paper). Several of the important Norwegian-American newspapers are also available on microfilm in the Media Room. For example: Decorah-posten (1874-1972), Skandinaven (Chicago) (1866-1941); Emigranten (1852-1868); Fædrelandet (1864-1868); Fædrelandet og Emigranten (1868-1892).  Please ask for assistance when using these materials.  They are very fragile and need to be handled in a particular way.  Thank you!

Norwegian American Literature