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Documenting COVID-19 and our St. Olaf Community's Experience

College Archives COVID-19 Archiving Project

Teaching Resources

Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy

Developed by the ACRL RBMS-SAA Joint Task Force on the Development of Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy and approved in 2018, these guidelines provide and introduction to primary source literacy, define core ideas, and provide learning objectives.


Web Resources

Teaching with Primary Sources Collective

Created by librarians and archivists and intended for anyone teaching with primary sources, the TPS Collective invites educators to exchange ideas, cultivate relationships, reflect on pedagogy, learn from other practitioners, contribute lessons and resources, and engage with your community (from

This site features lesson plans, toolkits for deploying and teaching with the guidelines and developing rubrics, discussion forums, and short essays on instruction and outreach.

Based on an award-winning project at Brooklyn Historical Society, shares our teaching philosophy and findings with a global audience of instructors, administrators, librarians, archivists, and museum educators. Use this site to teach students ranging from middle school to graduate school (from

Example lessons, teaching philosophies, and articles on teaching with archives. Based on the three year teaching project at the Brooklyn Historical Society.


Sample Handouts