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Music 295: String Literature and Pedagogy

Catalyst vs. Research Databases

You can certainly use the article filters in Catalyst to look for articles. However, Catalyst defaults only to showing you materials St. Olaf College can immediately access. If you are looking for less common materials, of if you are having trouble getting results in Catalyst, or if you want to make sure you are casting the widest possible net to find sources, start in the Research Databases instead!  They'll show you many more sources that you can still access via Resource Sharing.

Music Databases

Interdisciplinary Databases

Newspaper Databases

Newspaper databases are another good place to look for concert reviews, articles about performers, or even their obituaries.

St. Olaf College Libraries offers you free access to the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. If you haven't set up accounts with these newspapers before, check out this LibGuide for instructions.