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FYS 120R: Ethics in the Age of AI
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Basic Background
AI Ethics (Ebook)
This book introduces readers to critical ethical concerns in the development and use of artificial intelligence. Offering clear and accessible information on central concepts and debates in AI ethics, it explores how related problems are now forcing us to address fundamental, age-old questions about human life, value, and meaning.The SAGE Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society
Call Number: Rolvaag Ref: HF5387 .E53 2018The SAGE Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society explores current topics, such as mass social media, cookies, and cyber-attacks, as well as traditional issues including accounting, discrimination, environmental concerns, and management. The new edition also includes an in-depth examination of current and recent ethical affairs, such as the dangerous work environments of off-shore factories for Western retailers, the negligence resulting in the 2010 BP oil spill, the gender wage gap, the minimum wage debate and increasing income disparity, and the unparalleled level of debt in the U.S. and other countries with the challenges it presents to many societies and the considerable impact on the ethics of intergenerational wealth transfers.
- Last Updated: Oct 24, 2024 10:40 AM
- URL: https://libraryguides.stolaf.edu/ethicsai
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