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- FYS 120R: Ethics in the Age of AI
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FYS 120R: Ethics in the Age of AI
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Research Librarian
Resource Sharing in the Databases
You'll mostly use Resource Sharing when you find materials somewhere other than Catalyst. You might, for example, find something in a research database that you want to read.
Step 1. If the material isn't available in fulltext in the database itself, look for the Find It button and click it. This will search in Catalyst to make sure we don't have access to it somewhere else.
Step 2. If we do have access to the material, you'll be routed to the catalog record for the item, with all the information for how to access it. For example, the item below is in a journal that we have both in print and online.
Step 3. If we really don't have access to the material, there will be a section marked "Get it from other libraries" with Resource Sharing options for requesting the material. Click the "get it" button under the option you want to use. You must be signed into Catalyst in order to see these options.
Step 4. Most of the form will be filled out automatically. Make sure the details are correct and fill in any empty fields. Then hit "send request."
Step 5. Journal articles and book chapters will be scanned. You'll receive an email with a link where you can download the scan. Physical items will be delivered to your library of choice. You'll receive an email when the item is ready at the circulation desk for you to pick up.
Requesting Materials Not in the Databases
As you do your research, you might find a citation for an article or book you would really like to see. For example, you might find the perfect resource listed in the bibliography of an article you already found. Here's how to get that item; be sure to have all the citation information handy before you begin.
Step 1. Look for the item in Catalyst, just to be sure we don't already have it.
Step 2. If the Catalyst results do not include the item, click the link to "expand your search" beyond the St. Olaf libraries. This tells Catalyst to check partner libraries for the item.
Step 3. The item should now appear in the Catalyst results. Click into the record you want and look for the "Get it from other libraries" section to see options for requesting the item through Resource Sharing. You must be signed into Catalyst to see these options.
Step 4. Submit the Resource Sharing form. You'll get an email when the material is ready.
Step 5. If the item does not show up in the expanded results list, you may fill out a Resource Sharing request manually. Make sure you fill out as much detail as possible (author, title, page numbers, dates, publishers, etc.) so that the librarians can find the best match.
- Last Updated: Oct 24, 2024 10:40 AM
- URL: https://libraryguides.stolaf.edu/ethicsai
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