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FYS 120N: Imagining Democracies Globally

How do I start a project like this?

  1. What is your sustainable development goal (SDG) of focus?
  2. Select your TAP Network member
  3. What are your regions of focus? Country, region, etc.
  4. Select your V-Dem values that make sense for your SDG and TAP Network - why are these values important?


Tables & Spreadsheets

  • Use a spreadsheet to manage any point data (projects or any single locations that you want to display on the map)
  • Combine Country Names with columns of V-Dem Data


Smaller amounts of data may be more effective and be easier to process than larger amounts of data. If wanting to compare multiple years, 2 years can be just as impactful as 50 years.

Accessing ArcGIS Online

You should receive an email notification to activate your St. Olaf ArcGIS account! Clicking the link will automatically activate your account and log you in - if you do not receive an email you may have an account already or the notification may have been sent to your spam email box. Contact Sara Lynnore ( to have the invite resent.

Design Resources

Did you import some data onto a map for your project? Make sure to check your pop-ups and do some clean up!

Adding citations in StoryMaps


I have questions!

If you have any questions about ArcGIS Online, StoryMaps, or run into any tech issues - feel free to reach out to Sara ( directly and we can schedule an appointment. I'm available for either in-person or virtual appointments during staffed hours.

  • Monday - Thursday: 8am - 5pm
  • Friday (remote/virtual): 8am - 5pm

After staffed hours, I'll usually respond by the next staffed day! If it's on the weekend or after hours, you can also stop by the DiSCO and the interns at the desk may be able to help. You can also send in a ticket to the IT Helpdesk.

DiSCO Staffed Hours

  • Monday - Thursday: 9am - 9pm
  • Friday: 9pm - 5pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: 12pm - 9pm

DiSCO YouTube Channel - ArcGIS Tutorials

There are a variety of ArcGIS Online short tutorial videos available on the DiSCO YouTube Channel. If there isn't a video that fits what you are trying to do, let Sara ( know and she can put one together!