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Music 345: Music and Fairy Tales

Catalyst: Books, articles, scores, recordings

Want to find materials in specific formats?  There are several ways to tell Catalyst what kind of material you want.

Use the buttons on the top: Make sure you are in the "Advanced Search" module of Catalyst. You can get there by clicking the "Advanced Search" button on the library's homepage. The "Audio/Visual" button along the top tells Catalyst you wants recordings. The "Books" button will search for both books and scores. 


Use the Material Type menu: Make sure you are in the "Advanced Search" module of Catalyst. You can get there by clicking the "Advanced Search" button on the library's homepage. On the right is a section headed "Material Type." Click the dropdown menu to select the format you want. You can limit your search to scores, film/visual recordings, or sound recordings. This side menu will default to electronic recordings and videos; if you are looking for physical formats like CDs, use the top buttons instead.


A few more tips:

  • Once you are in your results list, use the menu on the left to filter out whether you want physical materials or online materials.
  • While Catalyst can be a good place to start your research, not all our online library resources will show up in your results, so be sure to check out the individual databases, too!
  • Materials at Carleton may be requested directly from Catalyst and are delivered twice a day Monday through Friday! 

Searching for Scholarly Articles in Catalyst

1. From the library's homepage, click on the "Advanced Search" option. (Ignore the Articles tab; Advanced Search gives you more control over your results!)

Screenshot of the search interface in Catalyst. The button for "Advanced Search" is marked.

2. In the Advanced Search function, make sure "Articles" is ticked at the top. Then enter your search terms below. Here is a search for articles about American songwriter Carrie Jacobs Bond.

screenshot of the advanced search function of Catalyst. The "articles" button is marked with red. The search terms entered are "Carrie Jacobs Bond" and "parlor song."

3. Catalyst interprets the word "article" loosely, so the results list might include journal articles, book or performance reviews, and dissertations. Tell Catalyst you want only scholarly articles by clicking the "scholarly articles" button in the the "Refine My Results" menu on the left.

A screenshot of the "Refine My Results" menu. The button for "scholarly articles" is marked in red.

4. Most articles are available online.  Click the green "Online Access" button to see it. If you are off campus, you may need to enter your St. Olaf ID for access.

A screen shot of a record for an article available online. The "online access" button is marked in red.

5. Looking for articles from other libraries? Use the Requesting Materials from Other Libraries tab on the left.