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Music 345: Music in Paris in the 1920s

Primary Sources on the Internet

There is a wealth of primary source material available on the internet. As with any online source, you'll need to do some extra work to verify that the information is reliable and the content is legally posted.

Museums and national libraries often support wonderful online archives. If you cannot find what you need here, try these tips.

  • Looking for a particular person or institution? Search for their name plus "society," "museum," or "archive" -- often these will link to online collections.
  • Looking for a particular country or city? Search for its name plus "library" or "archive" to see if there is a regional library or museum with online collections. Remember that museums and libraries outside the U.S. may not have English versions of their websites available, and many of their actual items will not be in English. This may impact your ability to search and use their collections. Contact Karen Olson for help if you need it (but remember, I studied Latin and German, not French!)

Online Archives for Music Research

French Newspapers and Digital Libraries

To find topical periodicals in Gallica, pick Types de documents>Presses et revues>Presse par thématiques. Presse de musique are the music journals, but, depending on your topic, you may also wish to look at the other subjects.

Screenshot of the Gallica homepage, with the menus set to show topical periodicals.

French Musical and Cultural Museums

Other Usual Digital Archives

Historical French News Online