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Per the Puffin
302 Rolvaag Memorial Library
1510 St. Olaf Avenue
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN 55057
1510 St. Olaf Avenue
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN 55057
Some Guides
- Economist: Guide to Economic Indicators (Book)Descriptions and sources for key economic indicators (newer edition on the way).
- Guide to economic indicators (Book)U.S. economic indicators. Also available as an e-Book (available through Catalyst)
- BEA International Economics AccountsInformation spanning goods and services (including the balance of payments and the balance of trade), investment income, government and private financial flows, U.S. international assets and liabilities, and multinational investment.
- European Central Bank: Statistical DatabaseFinancial indicators from Europe.
- UNECE Statistical DatabaseFrom the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. A complex but thorough tool excellent for comparative data on a wide array of indicators beyond financial data.
Note: Be sure to check out the build-able Country Overview section. - World Bank: DataStatistics from the World Bank spanning multiple indicators. Searchable and comparable by region or topic.
United States
- Economic CensusBusiness statistics from the 2007 Economic Census.
- Bureau of Economic AnalysisNational, regional, and industry statistics from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce.
- Archival Federal Reserve Economic DataHistorical data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve.
- USA Spending.govTracks the budgets and spending of government agencies and top beneficiaries.
- Last Updated: Sep 23, 2024 3:37 PM
- URL: https://libraryguides.stolaf.edu/stats
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