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History 370: American Revolution

in Database Collections

In Catalyst

Scholars will sometimes gather important documents on a topic and publish them as a sourcebook. 

Search Catalyst:

By Subject:  Add the word "Sources" to any Subject Heading

e.g.  United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Sources

By keyword:  document or reading or source

e.g.  document* AND "American revolution"


People write of their experiences -- and they are often later published as memoirs, journals, letters, autobiographies, or collected papers

To find personal writings, try the following searches:

By subject:  Add one of the following to the end of your Subject heading: Correspondence, Personal narratives, Reminiscences, or Interviews
(e.g.  United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Personal narratives)

By keyword:  [topic keyword] and (memoir* OR autobiography OR diary OR diaries OR letters OR correspondence OR speech OR sermon OR papers)

By author (if the name is known)


To find government documents, it is best to search the name of a governmental body and appropriate topic words in a keyword search. 

Use the Location filter to select Government Documents collections. 
